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Gavin Vaughan

Day 24 - 25

Updated: Jul 30

Day 24

Depart Blacksod 0600 arrive 1950 - 73 miles.

As promised our friendly fisherman delivered provisions to us at 0530 - what a nice guy; thank you Shaun.

Filled 20 litres of diesel from jerrycan. 0545 Weighed anchor.

Sunrise and it looks like it could be a good day 😎

0700 passing through Dunvillaun Sound - Andrew spotted a very large yacht anchored off Inishkea island and searched it on Marine Traffic - a 22m catamaran called Skylark (that would be fast cruising!).

0815 passing inside Inishglora island. 0900 abeam Scotch Port rock and Gavin went off-watch

Passed inside Eagle Island (another one!) and Cross Rock. Unusual symbols on the chart just North of Eagle island that we need to investigate.

1030 abeam Erris Head - 9e just spotted a whale and woke Gavin up. No photos of the whale unfortunately but we were later joined by a pod of Dolphins to make up for it!

Crossed Broadhaven bay in bright sunshine and very light winds. 1130 abeam Benwee Head and passing inside The Stags.

Wind freshened a little so mainsail back up and jib unfurled; held this for 8 hours.

Nigel made one of his legendary omelettes for lunch which was greatly appreciated by the crew.

As we crossed Gavin had a two hour afternoon sleep (he claims it’s the first in 23 days!) and when he woke only 2 hours to go; eta 1945.

Andrew has booked the Rusty Mackerel for dinner - provided we are there before 20.45.

Difficult to make out the entrance to Teelin bay, but it opened up as we got closer to landfall.

Tried to go alongside the pier but a local boatman shooed us away to the visitor moorings in the bay.

Went ashore on the dinghy and met by Nigel’s brother Michael who drove us up to the restaurant. We all had their signature mackerel dish which was excellent.

Michael dropped us back down to the harbour and we had a comfortable night onboard at the mooring.

Day 25

Depart Teelin 0900 arrive Church Pool, Portnoo - 27 miles.

Hoisted mainsail inside Teelin harbour. 0930 bore off around Sliabh Laig and unfurled code 0 - speed increased 2 knots to 8 knots.

Gybed inside Rathlin O’Birnie.

Great angle for the code 0 and boat speed increased to 9 to 10 knots.

Spectacular scenery between Malin Beg and Rossbeg.

Caught up and passed another yacht as we passed inside Roaninish island. A special Island for many of our friends who spent summers here, including Neale and the McCulloughs who then went on to name their boat in Spain after this island.

Hardened up around Dunmore Head into Gweebarra bay and dropped mainsail as we passed Inishkeel island.

Anchored in the clear waters of Church Pool in 4 metres and the anchor quickly dug in to the sandy bottom. Anna was back on hand with her drone, so took some lovely photos from above.

As the tide was out the causeway from Portnoo beach to Inishkeel was exposed and we were lucky to get a lift ashore with Guy in his rib.

Michael welcomes us ashore and we were able to shower and freshen up at his house.

New crew joined at this point, we said bye to Adam and Andrew and welcomed back Mike along with his son Ross.

Dinner at McCafferty’s bar Lettermacaward before being hosted by Mark and Mandy at Ballyeriston.

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