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Gavin Vaughan

Day 29 - 30

Day 29

After 8 days continuously on the move we had a lay day in Portrush Harbour with friends and family visitors.

It was lovely to have some of the smaller members of crew onboard, including Neale's two granddaughters Darcy (1.5) and Nella (11 weeks!) as well as Gavins grandaughters back on board, Rhemy and Aurelia who showed Darcy the ropes. Some more good weather meant it was perfect for a beach afternoon for the young ones, Morelli's for all.

Day 30

Depart Portrush 1145 arrive Rathlin harbour 1425 - 18 miles.

Hoisted mainsail outside the harbour and gybed inside the Skerries - bearing 080 to the Stork perch bouy.

Passed outside the Stork which marks the outer end of a reef coming out from Dunluce castle. Unfurled the jib and enjoyed a great sail at one 8 knots in 15 knots of wind on our starboard beam.

1250 off the Giants Causeway - looks very busy. 1255 abeam Benbane Head

Another good reach across White Park bay and into Rathlin Sound; not often as calm as this.

Contacted the harbour master in Ballycastle who has a webcam of the Rathlin harbour pontoons and he confirmed there was space for us.

After dropping sails in the bay we tied up alongside the long south pontoon where there is more depth.

The German yacht Trirton that was in Portrush last night arrived at the same time as us despite having left one hour earlier.

Shortly after we berthed a French yacht tied up behind us having sailed from Gigha.

Mike had a siesta while Gavin & Odile went for a walk around the village and had a drink in McCuaigs pub watching the Olympics.

Mike booked dinner in the Manor House hotel where we had a fabulous meal before an early night.

Yet another old sailing friend of ours, Martin Harrison came over to say hello; it must be over 20 years since our paths last crossed.

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