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Gavin Vaughan

Day 13 - 15

Day 13

A last walk around Baltimore before heading over to Schull. Refuelled with 33 litres from 2 jerrycans, and after getting boat prepared for tomorrow morning’s departure the crew went ashore for dinner in Nino’s.

Back to the boat on the dinghy after dark - glad we left the anchor light on to get a bearing!

Day 14

Depart Schull 0834 arrive Glengarriff 1528 - 36 miles

Gavin up at 0630 checking weather forecast and planning today’s route to Glengarriff. A very still morning in Schull harbour.

Gavin collected Warren from the pier at 0815 and after dinghy stowed on deck we cast off - Wendy on the helm.

No wind for the first few hours so just motoring. 11.20 abeam Mizen Head.

We have now rounded the second corner of Ireland - two more to go..

As we bore off into Bantry Bay the wind filled in and we had a brilliant sail reach up to Glengarriff - code zero to start end then changed to the new yellow G2.

And just when Wendy had given up hope of seeing some dolphins a small pod of 5 or 6 came up to entertain us.

Picked up a visitor mooring in Glengarriff and then launched the dinghy to ferry the crew ashore; thanks to Wendy, Mike and Warren for the past few legs - hope you can make it back onboard before the finish.

Dinner in Eccles hotel and then a solo night onboard for Gavin; new crew tomorrow..

Day 15

Depart Glengarriff 12.15 arrived Derrynane 18.45 - 28 miles

New crew on board, well back on board - David & Gordon!

Went alongside the quay to load gear and provisions - pontoon for Garnish Island ferry available for short periods.

No wind for the first few hours and then it started to fill in from the southwest; hoisted main and unfurled jib abeam Bear Island. Speed increased to 7 knots and improved our eta by over an hour; the crew had an early start from Holywood at 0600 and we were keen not to be too late getting moored in Derrynane.

Interesting (and nervous) sail through Dursey Sound under the cable car - the boat air draught is 17 meters and the clearance under the cables is 21 meters. It looked much too close when directly below! 😬

A nice motor sail across the entrance to Kenmare River with the last of the sun on our backs.

A very tight entrance into Derrynane harbour and unfortunately all the official visitor moorings were occupied, so we had to anchor.

Good opportunity to trial the new anchor tripline & bouy, and the anchor strop. Everything settled down quickly and our transits confirmed the anchor was holding fast.

A quick launch of the dinghy and motored ashore to go to the local pub to watch the Euro cup final. Keatings bar was tiny with a few wooden benches and stools to sit on (no comfortable chairs for Davy and Gordon to relax in); it quickly filled up with local caravaners (mostly from Belfast which was a surprise given the remoteness) and we enjoyed the craic, if not the result.

Back on board by 2300 and a nightcap before bed.

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