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Gavin Vaughan

Day 1 - 3

Day 1

Depart Bangor 1145 arrive Ardglass 1800 - 33 miles

Great sail down Donaghadee sound after unfurling the code 0 at South Briggs. Wind dropped at Skullmartin Bouy off Ballywalter.

When preparing tea, coffee and sandwiches for lunch discovered no butter or sugar onboard! Motor sailed the rest of the way to Ardglass, with two other yachts arriving at the same time.

A great first night dinner in the golf club (where the staff kindly provided us with some butter and sugar), followed by a very competitive darts match between the crew in Mannies pub.

Day 2

Depart Ardglass 0700 arrive DL 1700 - 60 miles.

Alarms set for 0600 and woke to a very grey sky and drizzle.

Departed at 0700 and on leaving the bay encountered an unusually cold southerly wind and a very confused sea; an unpleasant few hours until the wind veered more to the west allowing us to unfurl the jib.

Breakfast consisted of chicken cup a soup as no one wanted to spend too long in the galley.

Setting the jib helped boat speed and stability and we had a good sail down to Dublin Bay.

Wind picked up to over 20 knots as we crossed the bay and we were relieved to find the shelter of DL harbour.

After clearing marina registration a quick change of clothes and up to town for dinner in Milanos Italian restaurant; great pizzas! We were joined by 2 old sailing friends of Gordon and I; Colin and CJ, and a great evening was spent reminiscing our sailing exploits.

Day 3

Depart DL 1000 arrive Arklow 1600 - 35 miles

Rory and David left us this morning, and Neale’s son Toby joined us.

A cold northerly wind was whistling through the marina, but by the time we departed it was already dropping and by midday was under 6 knots; so a much gentler day at sea and a proper lunch had by the crew.

We took a course close in to the coast which provided a great opportunity to view the scenery; Wicklow head lighthouse was nearly within touching distance as we avoided one of the many shallow sandbars in the area. 

Arklow marina is an old ship basin off the river Avoca and provides a safe and secure berth.

The marina manager Niall was very helpful, and after hearing our story cancelled our berth fee. He also advised that given the weather forecast we should plan to leave at 0600 tomorrow.

After a short walk around town we had dinner in the local Chinese which was recommended by the bartender in the Old House bar & restaurant (but not as good as their food of course!).

Then early to bed for a 0500 alarm clock!

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